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Dollar Calculator

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Use the Dollar calculator to find the dollar value between two points on the chart. Select the Dollar calculator tool from your Calculators toolbar. Click on your chart where you want the calculator to start and drag to where you want the calculation to be completed. Release the mouse button to place. The dollar amount of the chart movement will be calculated from the beginning and end point values and will be displayed in the center of the line.

Example of the Dollar Calculator

Resizing the Dollar Calculator

Select the drawing by clicking on it. You will know the drawing is selected when boxes appear at the corners. Click on a box and drag it to your desired location. Release the mouse button to place.

Moving the Dollar Calculator

Select the drawing by clicking on it. Hold down the mouse button and drag to the new location. Release the mouse button to place.

Deleting the Dollar Calculator

Select the drawing by clicking on it. Press the Del (Delete) key on your keyboard. You can also right-click the drawing and select "Delete" from the drop-down menu.


Select the drawing by clicking on it. The properties will appear in the preferences section of your control panel. Or, right-click on the drawing and select properties from the dropdown menu. Restore Settings: TNT Default will change your settings back to the original software settings. My Default will change current settings to your personalized default settings. Apply To All Charts will apply your selected settings on all open charts. Save As My Default will save your current personal settings.

Dollar Calculator Tool: Choose the color, line style, and line thickness of your line. Select how you would like to view the values on your dollar calculator.

Font: Select the font, size, and color of the text. Select Show Text to hide or show your text on the chart.

$ Value will show you the size of the move in dollars (points x point value).

%ROM stands for Return on Margin and calculates the percentage return received for a given move.

Points will show you the size of the move in points.

Quantity: Select the number of contracts for which you wish to calculate the value. The default quantity is one.